Financial Services

Professional Services Offered by Experienced Financial Advisors

Make sound financial choices with assistance from Swarthmore Financial Advisors, Ltd., located in Media, Pennsylvania. Our financial advisors offer clients comprehensive financial planning services.
Tax Papers — Investment Services
Business People - Investment Services

Investment Planning

The key to successful financial planning is the investment of personal resources to create wealth. Investment alternatives are extremely diverse and must be tailored to the client's personal goals and risk attitudes, taking into account the economic, tax, and cash flow attributes of each investment. 

Income Tax Planning

Projection of income tax liabilities and responsiveness to an ever-changing taxation environment facilitate the long-range planning process. 

Accumulation Planning

Long-range planning is crucial to the accumulation of assets to meet future obligations and changes in lifestyle. Specific accumulation goals can include educational funding, major lifestyle changes, and funding major purchases. 

Employee Benefits Planning

Employees must understand the benefits that alternatives offer, and the effect of their election upon their personal financial situations. Significant elements include pension and profit sharing plans, savings and deferred compensation plans, stock option programs, and group insurance benefits. 

Retirement Planning

We help clients set feasible retirement ages and manage their progress toward their goals. Clients who are already retired need to manage their assets to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

Cash Flow Planning

Cash inflows and outflows can be managed to minimize taxation, fund investment, and accumulation vehicles and enhance lifestyle goals. 

Risk Management

In order to protect the stability of the client's current financial status and the attainability of their financial goals, risks must be managed appropriately. This requires an objective analysis of liability, disability, life and health risks, and a plan to minimize risk in the most cost-efficient manner. 

Estate Planning

An estate plan should be designed to minimize estate taxes and costs while assuring that the client's assets are distributed in a manner consistent with his objectives. Survivor's needs must be planned and provided for. Wills and trusts should be designed to implement these desires. 

Business Planning

Clients who have an ownership position in a business or professional practice have additional planning opportunities. Aspects of the business, such as forms of ownership, benefits planning, financing, and other management decisions have a direct impact upon their personal financial situation.
Contact us to learn more about our time-tested financial planning process.
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